
From The Evection Project

Revision as of 17:52, 21 June 2024 by EDKastin (talk | contribs) (Added note about using __TOC__ to keep proper formatting.)
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One of the signature features of The Evection Project, which you should find on every creator page, is the Status banner. This comes in four flavors, which mean what they say on the tin:

This creator appreciates fanworks, and has promised to be cool about fans making money.
This creator appreciates fanworks, but hasn't promised to be cool about fans making money.
This creator does not appreciate fanworks, but hasn't pursued legal action against fans.
This creator does not appreciate fanworks, and has pursued legal action against fans.

You can insert one of these by pasting {{StatusBlue}}, {{StatusGreen}}, {{StatusYellow}}, or {{StatusRed}}, respectively. A typical page will have just one, at the top, but in the rare case where a creator has different attitudes to fanworks of different properties, you can split the page into sections by property and place a Status banner at the top of each section.

(If you have Status banners in sections instead of at the top of the page, you'll need to add __TOC__ after the first Status banner, so the Table of Contents doesn't create too much whitespace above the first section title.)

While these categories are intentionally broad, it's important to be careful to use the one that most accurately summarizes the creator's position. When in doubt, err on the side of using the less permissive category, to avoid setting fans up for unwelcome surprises.